FINTORQUE ecosystem
FinTorque commenced business in 2018 offering training, advisory and solutions for emerging market banks, mainly in South East Asia (SEA). We also conduct workshops and masterclasses at specialist Treasury events in the major international financial centres. This continues to be the flagship offering of FinTorque.
Next FinTorque linked up with Zensung Singapore Pte Ltd, a digital insurance startup, to develop new market partnerships in SEA and early stage investment. This showcases innovative use of AI and machine learning in financial services and also has networking synergies for the Treasury advisory business.
Thereafter FinTorque partnered with Sunpower Renewables, an Australian registered portable solar energy startup, to open up new markets globally and initiate test and trials for outstanding use cases. This combines leading edge technology, community targeted support and green finance.
FinTorque is now widening the scope of business into sustainable lifestyle areas. We are launching a cloud kitchen in July 2020, featuring Indonesian heritage family recipes and emphasising innovation and sustainable practices. This is the first of our family business offerings - with more planned in the years ahead.
The combination of these four areas constitutes our unique FinTorque ecosytem.
Follow our progress by touring this website as well as our FinTorque LinkedIn page.