Welcome to FinTorque
The financial sector is in a state of flux. Bank clients now have far greater choice in how they conduct financial services and who they select as their partners.
Local banks have a significant window of opportunity to gain new client relationships, bolster market share and improve financial performance in home and offshore markets and make a lasting contribution to national development.
Be different
Global banks are reallocating resources to a reduced number of markets and fewer clients as they try to address high cost structures, low returns and outdated legacy systems infrastructure.
Banks that embrace the latest technology in a client centric approach and demonstrate a positive benefit to society as a whole can gain significant ground. This needs to be based on a bedrock of trust and competence.
adapt and grow
To be a driver of a nation's sustainable and beneficial growth, banks need to provide effective, safe, and trusted platforms for banking products and services. At its core, this requires a highly competent bank treasury.
We can help you evolve through our balance sheet expertise built from experience in developing and emerging markets.